1 in 3 are obese, but 2 of 3 Americans are overweight. 1 in 5 kids/teens is obese.
The fact that 20% of children are obese should shock people. When I was a kid in the early 70s, there might be one fat kid in a class....more likely, one or two in the whole school. Now fat kids are common, and they are set up for life to experience a wide variety of medical and psychological issues.
Most of us don't know how to define "healthy eating" -- including the USDA. Our doctors are uneducated in a proper diet, and prescribe medications when the first question should be, "What are you eating?" It's alarming what has happened to Americans over the last 50 years and this sad state of dietary affairs affects not only national productivity but mental health, economy, health care system, and self-esteem.