I am not surprised that a popular article written in bro-code is also peppered with "clever" put-downs and gross generalizations. The writer has to exude hip smugness, so the readers can feel included in his (sometimes her) bubble of deeply cool "relevance." It's the new journalism.
Articles making of fun of Florida are cheap shots, anyway. I know, I used to live in Arizona (everyone's old) and now live in Arkansas (everyone's a hillbilly).
Generalizing about whole populations is immature and pointless, but we like pointing fingers.
I recently drove across TX and on my return trip had to seek lodging. The hotel - an HI Express - was a nightmare. Vacationers don't wear masks, because they are on vacation! Why worry? The indoor pool was filled, the front desk guy wasn't masked up, the cleaning staff wasn't masked (and sneezing) and the list goes on. This experience woke me up: people are still vacationing, and many of them are in deep denial (otherwise, why leave home?) Meanwhile, hospitality and service employees are put at risk.
Without a national policy that reimburses and economically supports employees for six months (or more), we cannot safely shut down to a safe speed to ease the suffering that is falling squarely on the shoulders of the poorest and most vulnerable.