I moved to the cheapest state in the country to extend my money. I wasn't getting that much out of city living and realized I'd never be able to afford dining out, shows, and other "frills" once retired. I should've kept working because once I quit full-time work at 55 it was like the portal shut completely behind me, but I can work p/t and my husband has been luckier. Still, it's alarming that the two of us, with over 90 years of workforce life between us and everything paid off, still feel financially insecure enough that we don't spend on big stuff like vacations, new cars, new clothes (usually), or other "frills." It's cheap to live in Arkansas -- our property taxes are about $500 a year due to a rural exclusion clause -- but we still live in America. The biggest X factor is healthcare. We pay a baseline of $1400 a month for medical, with 3 regular prescriptions.