In a way it doesn't really matter because it's a tiny subculture of young men, doing what young men do--howling as they try to dominate nature and women. Does this comment seem hostile or charged? The femicide issue is Mexico is horrific, so this comment may seem emotional and even hostile. You see, all it takes for these young men to change is to be told what is happening in the world, and then realize terror and murder and social justice are more real than rock climbing but for obvious reasons they live for climbing, so....for them to step up and stop acting like children giggling over a dirty word, or group of dirty words, is too mucch to ask just yet. As someone who's done a little climbing, and climbed routes like "Date Rape" route names are only evidence and commentary on a sport dominated by men, especially young men. But, hopefully as we shed light, real light, on inequity and violence in movements like MeToo, BlackLivesMatter and the rest...hopefully the boys and younger men will finally get it.