It seems the problem of ecological catastrophe is simple: there are too many humans. When it's framed this way, it's difficult to see a solution given our innate behavior is, and always has been, to "go forth and multiply." The China 1-parent disaster is evidence of what doesn't work. (Also: we are not a rational species, we are an emotional one). People will no more stop reproducing than they will start living a minimalist lifestyle, raising their own food, becoming vegan, walking and bicycling everywhere, etc. The only people who can afford such a lifestyle are wealthy people, who have already extracted vast amounts of resources from the earth and everyone else. The overpopulation problem (like all our problems) is always "somewhere else," in some other country, some other extravagance. The only hope for us is mass depopulation, which obviously brings horrible other problems. I know this seems bleak, but I'm tired of reading articles about how we can stop consuming since consumption is a natural, normal process of our very existence. Is it out of control because of the last 75 years of mass consumerist post-industrial lifestyles? Yes. But that doesn't mean we can stop consuming. We need to stop reproducing. We will only change when forced because we are (almost all) addicted to living and all the biological processes that come with it, like having babies and eating food.