Of course Elon Musk supported him! Elon Musk is not an enlightened or thoughtful person, and he is living in the same rarified rich-boy zone as Maher. Maher, like almost all men (people) who gain tremendous status, power, and money, is living in an echo chamber. He hangs out exclusively with the Uber-wealthy, celebrities, pundits like himself, and in general a coddled society that doesn't have to deal with real-world consequences for constantly making snarky remarks. Bill Maher's entire job is having an opinion and smacking down people who don't agree with him, while maintaining he has inside knowledge, superior facts, etc. Imagine being richly rewarded for knowing all the right people and telling everyone what you think. He comes across as exactly who he is: the former cool neighborhood drug dealer who hit it big in comedy, then TV, then politics. Socially skilled, emotionally limited, intellectually adaptive, ultimately a softer Joe Rogan.