The MIND diet is one way...there is another. If you have an autoimmune disease, or just hate vegetables, or tried veganism and failed, a ketogenic or carnivore diet (the latter is especially good for those with autoimmune diseases) will give you ketones without fasting. Fasting is great, of course, but on a keto or carnivore diet 2 meals a day is no problem. The trouble with recommending "fruits and vegetables" is (1) it sounds like veganism is a good idea--it's not, especially if you react poorly to eating plants; (2) it contradicts how humans survived for eons--via meat and especially animals fats; and (3) when people eat low fat diets, they often choose fruits, which are high in glucose. Brains with dementia are starved for energy and do not process glucose, which is why Alzheimer's is often called Diabetes Type 3. If you don't want to go keto, at least look at research on exogenous ketones as part of a daily diet (e.g. bulletproof coffee).