The problem is simple. We have massive amounts of foods with added sugar that are "low fat" while getting bad advice to eat lots of grains (which for palatability include sugar and salt), vegetables (which no one is going to eat a lot of) and fruits (sure, I'll have a banana--more sugar and carbs).
Protein and fat are essential; carbs aren't. We eat far too many carbohydrates, all day long. This spikes insulin and leads to pre-diabetes and diabetes along with weight gain.
The pre-diabetes and diabetes -- I'm talking about T2, but T1 is also on the rise -- are beyond alarming. They are horrifying. More than 1 of every 3 Americans is either T2 diabetic or pre-diabetic.
It's the carbs.
The mechanisms for getting carbs--including aggressive marketing of snacks, cultural norms promoting packaged, convenient foods, as well as fast foods and huge portions--are the problems.
On individual basis: eat fat and protein, and toss the USDA Dietary Guidelines in the trash.